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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Common ASP.NET Security Flaws

Common ASP.NET Security Flaws
There is a wide array of attacks that ASP.NET web applications need to protect against but most security holes are due to flaws in the following:

Making it easy for attackers to reveal users credentials, or worse to circumvent the application’s authentication altogether.
Possible deficiencies: lack of password policy (strong passwords, expiration date etc), passing internal messages back to the browser, using dynamic SQL on the login page (SQL injection), using cookies and other insecure means to store users’ credentials, and passing user names and passwords in clear text .
Possible attacks: network eavesdropping, brute force & dictionary attacks, SQL injection (on login page), Cookie replay attacks and credential theft.

Allowing logged-in users to perform actions without authorization verification (i.e. vertical & horizontal privilege escalation.)
Possible deficiencies: inconsistent checks for user authorization for every user’s request and web page, lack of data validation and trusting data submitted by users (i.e. cookies, hidden fields, URL parameters, etc.)
Possible attacks: privilege escalation attacks (horizontal and vertical), disclosure of confidential data and Data tampering attacks.

Data Validation:
Trusting data submitted by the user and acting upon it.
Possible deficiencies: lack of consistent and strict data validation throughout the web, and failing to encode data sent to the browser.
Common Attacks: cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, data tampering (query string, form fields, cookies, and HTTP headers), embedded malicious characters and HTTP response splitting.

Application Configuration:
Using default configuration on the application and hosted server.
Possible deficiencies: granting the application more permissions than it actually needs, failing to properly secure resources (operating system, database, etc.) and passing internal application information back to the browser (internal messages, exceptions and trace information.)
Common Attacks: unauthorized access to administrator functionality, unauthorized access to configuration information, retrieval of clear text configuration information and unauthorized access to data stores.

Final Note:

An attack or even a request for a security audit by a customer can cost you time, money and potentially your reputation. So its better you take care these common issues else be ready to face the consequences.

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